IC-8® Apthera™ IOL Educational Videos
Discover more about small aperture technology and watch eye care professionals talk about their experiences using the Apthera IOL in practice.
Small Aperture Technology
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Physician Presentations
4 videos found
Small Aperture Optics, Prof. Sathish Srinivasan, FRCSEd, FRCOphth, FACS
Influence of Astigmatism on Small Aperture and Trifocal IOL Performance, Robert Ang, MD
Comparison of Moderate Monovision with Monofocal IOLs vs. Mini Monovision with a Small-Aperture IOL, Jacqueline Beltz, MD
Combination of Small Aperture and Multifocal IOL Technology Perfect Match, Prof. Gerd U. Auffarth, M.D., Ph.D., FEBO
Clinical Tips
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